A stupid substice that is cleanses everywhere (supposedly). But really it is like a jelloee paste plopped on your hair... Just sayin. Anyway... Why would you search this up? Need a good definition to search up? Search up: Pineapple.
"Ahh bro, did you use shower gel for shampoo and conditioner again?" "Yeah, ya like it?" "No, it's stupid and doesn't clean your hair at all." "Stupid Shower Gel"
by Melody Hyckes March 4, 2014
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Describing a particular type/group of douchebags, particularly the ones residing in/around Washington DC.

Not the same as a guido, although they use similar amounts of hair gel.
Yo bro, let's get out of here, too much hair gel in this room.

I had to get off the Metro this morning because I was suffocated by all the hair gel on their way to the office.
by TM1984 November 30, 2009
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Euphemism for marijuana. Perfect for using when talking to people in mixed company or leaving messages on answering machines about marijuana. Doesn't sound obvious like "Chocolate" or "Christmas tree lights"

Your marijuana dealer can be called your "Stylist"

The act of smoking marijuana can be called "Doing your hair"

The piece you smoke your marijuana out of can be called your comb (pipe) or brush (bong)
1. Hey we are all pitching in together to buy some hair gel, and if you don't give us any cash, we won't let you use any.

2. I've got some desginer hair gel, but I don't have a comb. Can we come over and style our hair with yours?
by Demicrusaius April 4, 2005
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Any one that thinks that we are having sex when we break eachother's bracelets has a sick and twisted mind. Who the hell cares about it. I don't fuck anyone when my bracelets get broken. It's not our fault there was a sexual lable put on it!!!!!!! Blame the people promoting it not us!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a life people! If people didn't make such a big deal about it than it would still we could wear them w/out being judged and labeled! But isn't that what they're trying to teach us! To judge people? To label them?
Black: all the way
Clear: wild card
Blue: Blow job
I don't know the rest. Why bother?
by Bri December 18, 2004
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Using water to style your hair when no hair product is available.
Judas; Dude, lets go chat those girls up
Jesus; Yeah man, but my hair is a mess
Judas; You got any wax or spray?
Jesus; No man. Fuck it I'll use Jesus Gel
by milkcarton18 August 20, 2010
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a girl who is trendy, wears nice make up, and shops in shops such as topshop
look at that proper gel girl coming out of topshop
by Mattyy November 1, 2007
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Aramis Nicola does not put that much gel in his hair ok.
by ILikeGel April 20, 2022
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