a close friend that'll tell you many things and hang out alot
by Anonymous May 7, 2003
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the person ur bangin but tryna keep on the low
by M January 15, 2004
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That one more beer that makes that beast look like a beauty
by fecker December 23, 2003
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- (n) a defense when someone asks if you like them

-a friendzoning weapon
Do you like Theresa?
Nah b, thas my friend
by thats facts b November 24, 2016
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1. (noun) A person who sticks by you every step of the way, or someone you like talking to online or in person.

Ex: This is my friend, Nancy!

2. (verb) To send someone a request on a website or chat room to be their online friend.
Ex: I'm going to send this person a friend request.
Person: This is my friend Katherine.
Person2: nice-
by lucas x william November 6, 2020
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the bitches that you thought liked you but don't
she was my friend
by kmn1 April 8, 2018
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