A small apartment, usually owned and operated by a slum-lord.
Let's go back to my flat, and i'll take the skin boat to tuna town.
by Kyle February 12, 2003
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the passing of gas.
Jimmi sure cracked a mean flat.
I've been cracking flats all day.
Bob flatted on Jens thigh.
by Jimmi September 9, 2003
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Boris: Don't you think Sarah looks like a boy without padded bra?
Ronaldo: Yeah, but I would totally lick her flats if I could grab her ass while doing it.
by Surinamsman September 8, 2011
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Short for "Feel/felt like a twat".
Some Guy: Dude! Why didn't you ask her out?
Dude: I totally flatted.
by Adamsuperkewl November 1, 2010
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a group of three girls with no boobs that look like anorexic sticks
the flats tried to stuff themselves today but it just make them look even more stupid ha ha
by KG76 September 1, 2007
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"Boy, that Megumin sure is flat. Her shirt has less bumps than Florida."
by dabdabdabdabdabdabdabdabdab December 22, 2019
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