When you are performing anal sex and the girl has explosive diarrhea on your dick.
Bob: The other night me and my girlfriend did a Siberian Firecracker.

Fred: I bet that really cleared her intestines out.
by NattyKongo January 6, 2010
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The act of disemboweling a fish, rubbing its innards all over one's erect penis alongside copious amounts of chili paste and celery, and then giving a woman head while moaning in french.
Guy 1: "Man, I gave that girl one killer of a Cajun Firecracker last night!"
Guy 2: "That sounds nice and spicy, dude."
by RussianBias.exe January 24, 2018
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It is when you shit and ejaculate on a girl's vagina. You proceed to make her queef, and the force will push the cum and the shit in an explosion, like a firecracker.
For the 4th of July, I think I'm gonna give Shelly an Alaskan Firecracker.
by Manuelmatthew June 29, 2011
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The act of pouring paprika on your penis, and then being on the reciving end of oral intercourse.
Dude I totally gave that bitch a russian firecracker
by Eddie Mendez May 21, 2006
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A wanna-be Napoleon, after the title character, Napoleon Dynamite, as played by Jon Heder in the movie.
Did you see that Napoleon Firecracker run his bike off that silly-ass little ramp on the sidewalk?
by Blue Hornet October 4, 2006
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When a girl is on her menstral cycle and she fills a condom with blood. Freezez it and then uses it as a dildo. Then eats the frozen blood afterwords
Wow, you know Tray watched his sister make an Alaskan Firecracker? How sick!
by Thatoneguy401 January 22, 2011
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