Fidget spinner is a well balanced spiny thingy that is made of ball bearings and can be spun for up to 45 seconds. Spinning this fidget spinner can create a 'satisfying' sensation for the user
fidget spinner being defined:
You spin it on your fingers, holding it with two fingers and you simply spin it and watch it go round and round.
by mcboss762 March 15, 2017
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you have fidget spinner
by fhfhhg May 18, 2017
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Insert a finger (or more if required) inside your girl, lifting her up in the air and using your other hand to spin her round like you're balancing a Fidget Spinner.
Met this chick last night and she was filthy as fuck. I even did the Fidget Spinner on her!
by Rorytx June 15, 2017
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fidget spinner can cause autism in your kids don't give it to them
fidget spinner gave the kids drugs
by Fitness3135 November 7, 2017
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when a midget fidgets her spinner
lol that midget is fidgeting her spinner like a faggot
stupid midget fidget
by yessboiii July 18, 2017
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A small petite female crackhead that is tweeking.
Look at the little crackhead I would like to play with that fidget spinner
by priddygood September 15, 2017
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An absolutely stupid thing that is ment for ADD or ADHD kids but some stupid people use them just cause. A massive waste of money, time, air and everything in general.
Person: Hey i got a fidget spinner im so cool
Me: they are a waste of money
by imdeadsiriusandveryloony May 30, 2017
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