A dinosaur shaped planet largely thought to be round due to misconceptions.
by WishIWasWaluigi June 30, 2019
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A extremely cursed rock that psychotic little insects called humans live in
Can the Earth please crash into the Sun already?
by Lala~Chan February 27, 2020
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A place where the only living species in the whole entire Universe battle for minerals, resources or money, in the end people dying for nothing
Person1:"Hey, did you know that The Earth is the only place with living species in the whole entire Universe and we are killing ourselves for nothing?"
Person2:"Oh shit, you're right!"
by deiv_g January 1, 2020
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The 3rd planet in oour solar system, approximately 93 million miles from the Sun. It has one moon, called the Moon (real original), and its surface is over 70% water. There are 7 landmasses on the surface: N. America, S. America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica.

The dominant species is the human. We spend half of our money trying to teach people and cure diseases, and the other half trying to find ways to kill other people (i.e. napalm, shotguns, TNT, machine guns, howitzers, thermonuclear weapons, etc.) The planet is plagged by a terrible affliction called AIDS, which is the result of HIV. No matter what, it started with someone having unprotected sex or someone sharing a dirty syringe. Or a man being bit by a monkey (I hope to God that monkey is burning in hell now).
Welcome to Earth, located in the heartland of the Milky Way galaxy.

Population: approx. 6 billion
by Myajd jdg July 28, 2005
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1: The universe's insane asylum. Current inmates: Homo Sapiens. Everything else is just innocent. Nature is our jailkeeper.
2: Hell
3*: Mostly Harmless
4*: Computer designed to figure out the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything
5: Only planet in the system of Sol capable of sustaining life.
6: Pathetic
7: A rathole being killed by its scourge: intelligent life
Note that definitions # 3 and 4 are from The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Earth is the most horrendous place in the galaxy, and it houses the most fucked-in-the-head species in the universe. Good luck in hell, fuckers.
by SoulfulZen May 1, 2005
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Peter: where are u from?
Tom: I’m from the earth

Peter: ...
by Petroplayer728 February 16, 2019
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Earth is the third PLANET from the SUN and the only object in the Universe known to harbor life. According to radiometric dating and other sources of evidence, Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago.Earth's gravity interacts with other objects in space, especially the Sun and the Moon, Earth's only natural satellite. Earth revolves around the Sun in 365.26 days, a period known as an Earth year. During this time, Earth rotates about its axis about 366.26 times.n
I want to go to the Moon so I can jurk off to the earth
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