The definition of define. Defining something is like describing it.

The End
by Purpose Inc. 2 September 26, 2016
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To explain what a word means, like what I am doing to the word 'define' right now.
Please define the word 'antimiscomboluationismontoast'.
by Bastardized Bottomburp September 25, 2003
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What you typed in the text box after the word Look up, and then clicked search.

Also, what is letting us do to our world (define your world...)
Define define: Define is defined by the word definition... i.e. to explain something..
by NIK January 19, 2004
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that button on the side(with the plus sign) to create a word.
Usually takes the Urban Dictionary team to take a few hours until they say "yay" or "nay" for your created word.
Hey, have you clicked on that "define a word" button yet?
Nah, I haven't decided whether to create new words or not.
by ThatUrbanNinja6969 February 13, 2018
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