Adjective: An alternative definition to the general understanding of the term. Anyone who has done an excess amount of cocaine resulting in their feeling like an old crunchy paper bag. Usually at a music festival. For elaboration see "potato chip"
"Hey man want to go check out the next band?"
"I don't know dude I'm feeling kind of....crunchy. I think I did too much blow."
by Kneegrodamus October 17, 2013
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I am feeling crunchy today after dropping
E last night.
by Maston October 8, 2004
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Discribes being noticably dirty involving hygene, style, or sexuality.
1."The girls locker room smells like vagina and hair spray, and that's pretty god-damn crunchy."
2."Did you see Lucy's plaid hot pants? Those are fucking crunchy."
3."Man, Steve calls himself Captain and wraps his dick in duct tape when he jerks off. . .that's a little to crunchy for my taste."
by Rachel Is Legand May 29, 2005
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1: Something that is defined with the sound "crunch"
2: One's underwear after one week of not washing yet not wearing
3: Sweaty socks that have set out for far to long and are stiff
4: The sound of a human head collapsing in
"After several weeks of not wearing them my socks felt quite crunchy as I slipped them on."
by J Tanner Ivy March 11, 2005
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A Sock worn the morning after being used as a wank mop the night before..
Bill I'm running so low on clothes, this morning I had to put a Crunchie on.
by hellomeginty January 23, 2009
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a verb describing someoen who is mad
by *<] : ) August 22, 2004
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I think Kim is gorgeous and nice. Crunchy for sure!
by wescoe23 July 11, 2008
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