no u dumbasses, to get ur nut is to jizz. to bust a nut is when u get so angry one of ur nuts pop.
If that teacher gives us anymore homework im gonna bust a nut.
by abad August 18, 2007
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To Accidentally Hit Your Balls Hard
My Friend Was Trying To Grind With His Roller Blades And He Missed And He Bust A Nut
by Adrew Barron October 29, 2006
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hurting or "sacking" oneself which therefore "busts a nut"
"man i almost busted a nut off that thang"
"i fell down and busted my nuts, i swear one was in my throat for a second"
by nick aka durty d November 3, 2005
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A challenge where you masturbate with 2 or more people and see who can last the longest without busting a nut.
"Why do you seem so happy all of a sudden?"
"I just won the bust that nut challenge"
by Ancientttt December 18, 2021
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A term used when you are laughing insanely hard. Similar to laughing your ass off, you are busting a nut, because you are laughing so hard at a persons joke.
Jeff: "Damn, look at her camel toe gobble up those tights!! Hahahahah"
Carlos: "Oh my god! I am busting a nut laughing right now!!"
by Alex22uc August 17, 2012
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When one person or multiple ejaculate on an object or another person
by ltes February 19, 2018
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Translated into simple English: I am going to ejaculate all over the place.

This phrase has said to originate from TVFilthyFrank, where he uses this phrase in a song of his called "FINNA BUST A NUT". This phrase means that you are going to masturbate and ejaculate, after your masturbation, everywhere in the room, causing a sticky white mess of semen.
Mike: Bro, finna bust a nut.
Jordan: Yeah bro?

Mike: Yeah bro, be 30 seconds.
Jordan: A'ight bro
** 30 seconds pass**

Mike: Finna busted a nut bro!
by weaponised_autism July 3, 2020
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