Someone who makes the attempt to recreate someone else's content, joke and ... bit. They are ALL uncreative and are too lazy to create their own jokes and use someone else's popularity to elevate their SUCKY FUCKING LIVES.
The bit biter is a lazy piece of shit and deserves to die. DIEEEEE.
by Bit Biter Creator November 18, 2019
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1: usually in reference to a male who while being anally punished, takes to biting down on the pillow in an attempt to muffle the cries of horrific gay pleasure.
2:Can also be used for certain obliging ladies who enjoy the brown being potted after the pink.
by Richie Essex November 21, 2003
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a toddler. A child between the ages of 1 and 4.
"Yeah, she's all married an' got a buncha little ankle biters runnin' around"
by Sonyx O'Shea June 26, 2003
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Someone that feels the need to overcompensate in any way,for any kinda shortcoming; ala small,loud barking dogs that bite your ankles to show you their workin' wit' sumthin'..
To the meathead at the bar that's all angry & likes to kiss his muscles, "Dude! Stop bein' such an ankle-biter!"
by Mobscene Nicole! October 19, 2005
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A slang and highly derogatory term for a homosexual male. It was likely inspired by the notion that a male engaged in anal sex would be face-down into a pillow, biting into it.
"I think it's about time that those pillow biters be allowed to get married. They have rights, too."
by Oyx July 12, 2008
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Only ankle-biters like Barney; everyone else wants to barbecue him.
by Cornholio November 1, 2003
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From the last episode of Will and Grace. The man in the whole body cast in the hospital called Will "pickle biter" when he realized Will is gay.
by Jawge July 20, 2006
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