The term binge means that you excessively do something.
I binged the Netflix show, because it was good. Forget my job, this show is all that matters.
by reallynotahoe April 19, 2017
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Another attempt by Microsoft to challenge Google at Google's game.
Now they're calling it Bing- "But It's Not Google."
by Fat Charlie. May 29, 2009
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because its not google
1st guy : BING SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!
2nd guy : its cus its not google
by kickbuttsurrey October 25, 2010
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Microsoft's crappy attempt at creating a search engine, that never seems to find what you are searching for.
Tom: "Hey, where's the nearest Starbucks?"
Dick: "I'm not sure, let me Bing it."
Harry: "Why? If you Googled it you'd probably actually find what you are looking for without looking through pages of search results."
Dick: "Oh, yeah, you're right."
by AlecBaldwin10001 August 6, 2010
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As many people do not know, bing is actually an acronym for


Can also be used as:

guy 1: Why shouldn't we use bing??
guy 2: Because it's not google.
by thatoneguy87 October 10, 2010
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Bing is basically a copy of Google. Just way fucking stupider.
Guy 1 : "Hey let's go search random shit on Bing!"

Guy 2 : "Dude fuck Bing, I'm going to Google."
by The Fuckinq Word Master November 4, 2009
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Q. Hey homey, how do you like microsoft search?

A. It's okay, bing! That filthy slut tried to sell me Linux!

Possible high fives would follow assuming good delivery, proper inflection, and wussy free cadence.
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