A website made for the auctioning and bargaining of maplestory items, but over time, became a website of phail and noobs. Largely similar to 4chan.

Basil Market is also known for having a large quantity of Asian people. This is why there is numerous discussion on pho, ssbm, stereotypes, and pocky. BM is very fun.

DAY 1: Ooh, look what I found! Basil Market! Maple Story auctions, yay!

DAY 2: Why are there so many racist threads, and so much discussion about religion...? =(

DAY 3: Omg, lol. Lok @ teh nub tryin' 2 git famus on basulmerket he tok bout ssbm and his hair lol

DAY 4: 3very1 lok mi vid30 i maek bout mi maple char plz plz plz rate
by MrStalker January 6, 2008
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When you inject your partners period blood in their nostrils and then suffocate them out with the used condom
by crunchyfetus May 30, 2020
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Bradford Basil is a slang term for marijuana made or sold in Bradford.
Me - "Is that some Bradford Basil?"
My mate "Yeah this some authentic Bradford shit"
by The_Pink_Panther January 18, 2020
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A cheese-like gunk or slimey matter that resides under the rim of your penis due to not washing after intercourse or just not cleaning the genitals in general.

In extreme cases, the matter can be green in colour hence the term 'Basil'. Generally occurs after working for days on end and not pulling foreskin aside to clean the head during shower time.

Sometimes mistaken for Pugwash.

I scratched my dick before and got basil caught under my fingernail. Here, smell it!
by euph0 August 4, 2008
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Code name for weed like when ur in school and u need to buy some without getting caught or when you try to tell a story of your "adventures" and u need to say it to the whole world without the popo on ur ass
Hey dude you got the basil?
Ya man i got an ounce in my car!
Yo quiero basil! (emphasis on the a to sound like a sheep and on the i to make an eeee sound like baaaahhhhhseeeel)
by [TomTom] January 6, 2009
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a white powdery substance usually snorted
Nasil Basil is What George Jung became famous for in the movie "Blow"...

I went into the other room to find some nasal basil.
by Santa Anderson November 16, 2009
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Its from Ashley when she was drunk on Rock of Love Bus.

"people who eat basil are lame"
by BasilLover March 13, 2009
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