1. Said when 2 or more people are observing a hot person and debating whether or not they would "bang", or have sex, with him/her.

2. Also used when saying "do this..." or "put that in..."
1. Dude, I'd totally bang that chick over there.

2. Now, bang that pan in the oven on 350 for 20 minutes.
by CreeperStash March 13, 2008
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The act of sexual intercourse...Derived from the sound of an old-fashioned headboard "banging" against the wall as a result of the heavy push-pull motion experienced during heavy-assed penetration...
They're at it again, doggie style, in fact...I can tell by the way the headboard is BANGING...
by Graffilthier May 19, 2008
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slang for sexual intercourse. Likely originated from the banging between the front of the male's thighs and the woman's buttocks when she is mounted from behind (submissive position).There is a degree of male aggression in this position. The male leads, and the penis goes in and out of the vagina with force
He banged her
by j.j.j. January 10, 2004
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When something is "On Bang" it is really good.Used a lot in Cleveland.
Aye that sandwhich was on bang.

Sean:Damn! That party was rockin.

Sir Michael:Fuck Rockin, that shit was on bang

by Roxxstar June 4, 2007
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What gross people like to do together when they're bored
Sarah and Evan like to Bang Bang at his house.
by Just Go Down March 29, 2003
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1. A sudden, loud noise, usually associated with explosions or high-speed impacts (n)
2. Hair which partially or fully covers a person's forehead when unrestrained (n)
3. To strike or collide (v)
4. To inject intravenously (v)
5. To have sexual intercourse (v)
6. To participate in violent behavior, usually in the context of crime involving firearms (v)
7. Exactly or precisely (adv)
1. I was startled by a loud bang, but smiled when I realized the fireworks had started.
2. It's annoying when my bangs get in my eyes.
3. Every time I come home I bang my knee on the foyer table.
4. The bioavailability and onset speed of dilaudid when eaten or snorted are too low for my liking, and my butthole is a one-way road, so I prefer to bang it.
5. Emma Watson is so sexy, I'd put a steel toothpick under my big toenail and kick a brick wall if if meant I could bang her afterwards.
6. I told Da'Quan that he did not need to participate in every shootout and robbery that the set instigated, but he protested that he didn't mind and genuinely loved to bang.
7. The island was completely isolated, bang in the middle of the ocean.
by clevelandagainsttheworld January 8, 2015
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