Short for "totally awkward." Coined first by people at Emerson College too lazy to say the whole words, and those who were trying to be edgy by making up new words/phrases. Often accompanied by sign language movements meaning "totally awkward."
I just ran into that guy I had hooked up with last week. It was totes awk.
by Z. Du Bois July 6, 2006
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An akward turd. When you have to crap at someone elses house and you let out a huge fart while doing it and you know people can hear you from outside the bathroom.
Sam: How was Cindy's party?
Josh: Not very good...
Sam: What happened?
Josh: Oh, I blew it with a hot girl becuase I had an awk-turd...
Sam: That sucks, dude!
by waka mcwakanson March 3, 2011
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When you are bombarded with awkness.

When everything around you in a situation is awkward.
Everything about that situation was awkward, i had an awk attack in there.
by awk hawk attack September 9, 2009
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"Johnny farted during the funeral! It was totes awks magawks!"
by t1aoak March 20, 2012
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Any liquid, petroleum or snot based substance that you touch inadvertently
"I sat down on a chair and I felt a dampness seeping through my pants"

"Awk-sauce man"
by WOI72 May 24, 2013
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a mighty, one-of-a-kind hawk that is constantly on the prowl, looking for awkward situations. It often soars through the air, looking for its prey. Once it finds its victims, it often swoops down at them, sometimes resting on the shoulders of its prey. It has been common for the awk hawk to stick around with its victims, causing them great emotional pain and physical discomfort until the great hawk gets tired to the point where it needs to take a power nap in its awk hawk home. The universal symbol for the awk hawk is to (1) make a flapping motion with your hands as if you had wings, (2) awkwardly look around at the people you are with, and (3) if the situation is awkward enough, one might incorporate their entire body in this action, where it almost looks like they are having a seizure. Although it appears the hawk flies solo, it is unknown if the awk hawk does in fact have a family. Perhaps it is related to the awk ant, as well as the late awkward turtle. There is no possible way to stop the awk hawk; researchers have been studying this new species and are yet to discover any type of repellent. Be safe. The hawk could be anywhere, at anytime, soaring high above you waiting for the right "awkward" moment for it to feast upon.
"The post-prom lakehouse incident of '10 is never to be forgotten; the awk hawk certainly left its permanent mark on that house, scarring its victims for life."

Gretchen - "Well... this is awkward."
Regina - "No! Don't say that or you will summon the awk hawk!"
by bigtuna1415 June 19, 2010
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An awkward situation, person, or thing. Originally trademarked by the one and only, thuggin, Rachel Rystedt. It came to her mind when listening to Rack City, with her ginger friend.
He thinks he thought of the word, now it's just Awk City™ when he uses it.
by meowymeowmeow February 13, 2012
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