Slang for Amalie (Anton Girlfriend)
person 1: where's Amal
Antorn: Did you mean Amalie
by Thesaurus_asaurus September 14, 2018
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A person who does poos in the park.
Person1: OMG what is amal doing
Person2: she's pooing in a friggin bush!!
by Ur mum721412 August 16, 2022
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He is one Setha paya, nara paya and many more. Works in NTK. Close friend of Seeman.
He is Amal Raj paiyan
by David paiya November 24, 2021
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Amal bastin is just about drive and power. The bearer of this combination of names( Amal Bastin) is usually a hot af brown boy who is a complete lovable person and who u can share ur bed without any fear. He has great physique and has a great personality. He is so intelligent and is the hottest brown boy of all time check him out @mwon.amal.
He will only be single only for a short time since every girl craves over him, so don't miss ur chance and got to @mwon.amal to achieve this hottie


Amal is an arabic unisexual name which means hope, beauty, admirable etc. Even though it's a unisexual name it's widely used among boys in the southern part of India. And bastin is a shortened form for Sebastian which is a name of a saint and also means a helpful person
Amal bastin is one of a kind
Have u heard about Amal bastin, OMG!! HE IS SOO CUTEE!
Amal bastin is looking for love
Ur mom loves Amal bastin
Amal bastin is the GOAT
by Notamalbastin.endishibu November 23, 2021
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She’s a total bad ass. She’s quite shy deep down. Super feminine and gentle but a total rock star. You’ll find her impeccably dressed or just in socks and a Tee. Tend to BEAUTIFUL AND STRIKING. When you meet her it’s like a thunderbolt and you’re hooked.

Dirty minded. FEISTY. Has the BEST pussy. Loves Ice Cream. Insatiable sexual appetite. Same for Ice Cream. IQ of a billion. Her words can demolish you. If you catch her you’re one lucky guy. You will NEVER meet another like her. You will NEVER forget her. A natural true born Queen. WICKED sense of humour. Maybe the funniest person you will meet.
“Omg I have to have Amal Amalie she is something else.

No you can’t I want her I can’t stop thinking about her. “

“That Amal Amalie is the best I’ve ever had. Im addicted. “
by Romulous November 23, 2021
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She a girl who can manage to be okay but be not okay at the same time
Her: why amal look so sad ?

Her (2): lol she’s amal nasibah
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