you all have it wrong muthafukers...zeke is someone who cares too much for too little... short for Ezekiel...
now how is that an insult?
remember mother Terasa? remember fred hollows, remember what zeke's they were.
by zeke from abo land September 11, 2003
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Zeke is a geek, a stoner a latenight video game playing loner.
Like dood! Zeke is a freakin geek!
by grass January 7, 2004
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1. A term used for the Japanese Zero planes in World War II.

2. EFSF slang for Zeonic rebels.
1. "we got five zekes at 1 o'clock, Red!"

2. "Let's kill that Zeke scum!"
by J Zabi May 5, 2004
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a hillbilly,bumpkin, hick usually ugly,ignorant and uncoordinated
I visited a few college down South and they were filled with Zekes !
by Wizmasta January 3, 2009
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The previous (to today - 02-16-2011) meanings/definitions for this phrase are complete ZEKE !!!! The only definition that came close was #20 -- 'drizzly diarrhea'. I know; I constructed this usage >50 years ago. Zeke = a good shit;
a fine bowel movement; an unusually rewarding and satisfying excremental experience. As in: "I just took an incredible ZEKE and I feel much better"; or, "...please do not hand me that ZEKE; I don't believe you..."; and - "If you don't 'cut the ZEKE' w/me, I'm gonna kick ur ass! ".
As in: "I just took an incredible ZEKE and I feel much better"; or, "...please do not hand me that ZEKE; I don't believe you..."; and - "If you don't 'cut the ZEKE' w/me, I'm gonna kick ur ass! ".
by Howard Fupp February 17, 2011
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1)a man that is intimidated by smaller women.
2)a man who is really confused and makes lame excuses.
3)a man who likes to blame his shortcomings on "false pretenses".
1)Amy has her bluff in on that Zeke.
2)When he drinks he really turns into a Zeke.
3)He says he has a big dick when in reality he's just a Zeke.
by Amy and April August 28, 2008
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any stranger that is an odd looking mofo
Dude, did you see Zeke in the grcoery store? He comes in all the time.
by Anonymous September 29, 2003
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