A combination of the abbreviation "VAC" and the name "Zac Efron". Used by someone who has been told they resemble Zac Efron in real life, while also being VAC banned on Steam.

Can usually be found with a Kanna avatar.
Look, he called himself VAC Efron, because he kind of looks like Zac Efron and he's VAC banned!
by VAC Efron October 20, 2019
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Ben, Shut the F@#$ Up
P1: I put a board in the vac bag
P2: Is that slang for Being in an ilegal place?
P1: No, thats slang for ben should shut the fuck up
by DurMurt August 21, 2011
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Having a nose that can Snort cocaine with quick and powerful velocity
That gut has a power vac for a nose
by Levi Coke February 2, 2017
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The lines made by a vacuum cleaner when used on carpet.
My brother is a little OCD and will keep vacuuming until all the vac tracks are perfect!
by Irelandmk July 30, 2015
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Like a rusty trombone but instead of the her hand reaching around there is a 2nd woman giving you head.
I just had the experience of my life those 2 sluts just gave me the blower vac
by Owey32 January 20, 2018
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An old British advert from the 1980's where a woman dances while using Shake and Vac, a carpet freshener from Glade.
Do the Shake and vac, and put the freshness back!
by Céline B February 17, 2021
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