To tickle someones dick in exchange for a nickel (.05 Cents).
Hey Jordan, tickle my pickle and i'll give you a nickel.
Ok, lets meet behind the Walmart for it.
by birdhelpman March 28, 2023
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The pickle tickle is the feeling of not ever wanting to leave your bed, after waking up or just after laying down for a moment of rest.
Mom! PLEASE leave me be! I have a major case of the pickle tickle today! Call me in sick for the week!
by HeadHoncho34 December 6, 2019
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1.) the act of anything making you happy

2.) someone giving you that sloppy toppy yum yum stuff
1.) "when i finally found what i was looking for i was tickling a pickle"

2.) "Katelyn sure did tickle my pickle last night"
by Ur_Ex_Gf's_New_Mommy69 February 21, 2023
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That's a little sus there buster😩
Person 1: "Yo dude can you Tickle my Pickle"
Person 2: "Sure bro"
Person 1: "That feels nice"
Person 2: "Why is there white stuff"
by JIOIOHDTUY May 31, 2023
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This is most commonly used after someone has received a complement. It shows much gratitude and thanks to said compliment.
Woah Josh you’re so good at the running!”
“Haha you’re just tickling my pickle now.”
by tickling my pickle April 2, 2022
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