Boys that wear earbuds are automatically less toxic and more sweet than those that wear airpods. They are usually softer and kinder because they don’t necessarily care about things in the material world. Sources say it’s 100% scientifically factual.
“Look at that kid wearing earbuds, he’s so sweet!” “Yeah, he’s a great example of The Earbud Theory”
by eyeswoaface4838 April 3, 2023
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when you put two buttholes together and one poops in the other and the poop slingshots continuously between the two buttholes (gradually creating more residue and becoming softer)
omg did you know carolina and leona tried the poop theory?
by pooptheorist April 12, 2022
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Determining the success or potential success of a relationship by whether one person in the relationship loves olives while the other person hates them.
Marshall and Lily in "How I Met Your Mother" argue that based on the Olive Theory, they are an awesome couple based on Marshall's hatred of olives and Lily's olive love.
by Barnabus Stinson January 24, 2009
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One form of music theory, similar to harmonic theory, which insists that by combining two opposing genres of music, the resulting music contains the strengths of both genres, and makes up for the weaknesses of each individual genre.
-Linkin Park's album "Hybrid Theory" mixes primarily the two music genres of Rock and Rap. The album uses Rock to fill in the harmonic and melodic gaps which traditional Rap songs have, while using Rap to employ more unique beats and allowing for more complicated lyrics.

-Daft Punk's "Tron: Legacy" mixes primarily the two genres of Electronic and Classical. The Album uses Classical to deeply inspire emotion in the audience that could not be achieved by any other genre, while the Electronic genre makes the music much more exciting and upbeat to make the classical music much less boring.

-Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon,” mixes primarily the two genres of Rock and Jazz. The Jazz in the album allows for much more expressive instrumental solos and a groovier sound, while the Rock makes the Jazz tolerable to listen to. The result of mixing Jazz and Rock is a psychedelic sound.
by LEot128 January 24, 2011
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A theory that states that any girl at the bar who says "I'm not a slut" without being provoked or actually being called a always a slut.
Aaron: Hey can I buy you a drink?
Jane: No...I'm not some sort of slut!
Aaron: I never said you were.

Aaron(to friend Matt): Did you hear that girl?
Matt: Yeah man, Slut Theory says shes definitely a slut! Go for it!

...later that night after hooking up...

Jane: you must think im some kind of slut huh?
Aaron: yeah...kinda

by clunICE April 9, 2009
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A scientifically tested theory that proves the following:

1) If you are driving a motor vehicle in the passing lane of a highway and are suddenly forced to slow down because of a slow moving vehicle, 9 times out of 10 the vehicle causing the slowing is a minivan.

2) If you are driving a motor vehicle in any lane of a highway or throughfare and another vehicle is tailgating you, there is a likely probability that the vehicle is a minivan and the driver is a MALE that is pissed off that he is driving a minivan.

The following observations conclude the following:

No matter what, Minivans will never aid your driving experience and will always make it worse in every instance.
Of course! A woman driving a minivan 30 miles an hour on the interstate. Do you need any further proof of minivan theory?
by ragemeek March 22, 2007
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Quite possibly the wierdest physics theory ever. While all of the math behind it is correct, attempting to understand it is like having molten platnium poured on your skull. The theory is something like this:
1. Everything is made of molecules (duh).
2. Molecules are made of atoms (also duh).
3. Atoms are made of electrons, protons, and neutrons (very duh).
4. Electrons, protons, and neutrons can be split in half to create quarks.
5. Quarks are actually made of even smaller pieces, called strings.
Strings are eleven-dimensional (ten dimensions + time) bits of energy that not only make up the above particles but create forces including gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear forces, weak nuclear forces, and a few other forces that have not yet been discovered.
Strings are so infitismally small that anyone with an IQ of less that 400 (ie, all humans) is incapable of imagining how small they are. To give you an example, imagine an atom of hydrogen was the size of the solar system. On the same scale, a single string would be the size of small tree.
String theory also includes a bunch of theorys including m-theory, relativity, chaos theory, and a few others that may or may not have been invented by someone who was on LSD at the time (if you've ever seen any Mandelbrot Fractals, you'll know what I mean).
After reading about string theory for two hours, my brain decided to go into a coma out of self defense.
by DragonlordALS June 13, 2004
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