Slang for a woman's vagina. Analogous with the slang term disco stick in reference to the male penis.
Ex 1: Let's have some fun, this beat is dope, I want to take a ride on your muffin slope.

Ex 2: Todd's mom has one hell of a muffin slope.
by BronzeArmor September 15, 2009
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"wtf is le slope intercept form"

"Last time i'm gonna tell you. slope intercept is Y=MX+B"
by Xdank_math_teacherX February 1, 2018
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1. We're gonna be hittin the slopes later on tonight chief.

2. Do you have your lift tickets? Cuz we're gonna be hittin the slopes.
by clmtblazers February 3, 2010
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"Hey Matt what do you want for dinner?"
"Dial up some Slope Slop."
by mcpheematt November 18, 2012
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when your at a ski resort and there is any kid younger than 12 who is extremely skilled at skiing/snowboarding
Did you see that slope gremlin eat shit on that jump.
by #1 Goblin December 28, 2022
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Person: Oh my Slope Dude
Person 2: Puff Puff Positive
by Meta June 4, 2019
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A skiier or snowboarder who spends more time slagging of the other sport than actually enjoying themselves on the mountain.
Snowboarder: "Fucking hell! I got cut up by like four skiiers today. Honestly, they are such twats with their poles and prickish clothes. Jesus! They can't even do tricks!"

Skiier: "Fuck off! It's the boarders that are the twats. You guys spend all day in the snowpark trying to bust "phat air" listening to your pathetic music. Come and join the real men on the slopes...oh sorry, just remembered, you couldn't keep up."

Observer: "Jeez, you guys, stop being such slope nazis."
by theintergalaticjester April 5, 2005
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