A scale on how bad a disaster is by the menus of the restaurant chain Waffle House.

GREEN: Waffle House full menu (No disaster)
YELLOW: Waffle House limited menu (Minimal disaster)
RED: Waffle House is closed (Extreme disaster)
UH OH: Waffle House is gone (We’re all gonna fucking die)
Person 1: “I checked The Waffle House Index, but the Waffle House was destroyed!”
Person 2: “We’re all gonna fucking die, Johnathan”
by FitnessGram™ Pacer Test January 3, 2022
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the results of an annual evaluation of countries made by looking at life expectancy, literacy, and income
Geographers agree that the most effective tool to measure quality of life around the world is the Human Development Index.
by smarty_dictionary June 14, 2020
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similar to the five finger discount in that it involves stealing/illegally obtaining items. however the index finger discount applies only to the index finger on the hand which you use your mouse for clicking and downloading illegal music, movies, etc.

i.e. pirating
I recently obtained a shitload of music using the index finger discount
by butt-pirater June 26, 2011
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The Rough Sex Index is the point at which rough sex is still pleasurable and not yet painful.
Vanessa asked Ron to use a series of Curiosity Slaps to determine her Rough Sex Index.
by Norris Jig January 20, 2010
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W.E.I is a microsoft tool which rates your computers processor, memory, graphics, gaming graphics, and primary hard disk. The W.E.I gives you a number which is meant to give you an idea of what software you should get for your PC. It also gives you ideas of what you should upgrade to increase performance.
Guy 1: Dude, i'm gonna buy Microsoft Flight Simulator
Guy 2: You fucking noob, flight sim recommends a windows experience index of 5. your computer only rates 3.5. its gonna run like shit.
by Ranga O_o December 13, 2009
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Abbreviated : TTB-Index. Refers to the number of texts it takes to achieve the much longed for intercourse with a woman. Take the number of texts, divide by the number of times you had intercourse and that yields the TTB-Index. A score between 1 and 10 usually points to an open-minded woman (read: slut) while any score about 100 can be safely considered a prude. Inbetween is just average.
- Tom, have you seen the new girl in Eco 101?
- Yah, she got some nice cans, wonder if she gives head..
- Well I think so, heard her text-to-bang index is way below 30!
by GDaSL December 1, 2011
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A key socioeconomic indicator of how much a place, person, or group of people have Douchebag qualities.
Jeff: Dude I'm buying real estate here, look at all the hot swimsuit models and the tanned guys with abs
Tim: That place has a high DBI (Douchebag Index)
Jeff: What does that mean?
Tim: You're better off living in an Igloo next to an active volcano
Jeff: But then what if my Igloo springs a leak?
Tim: You'll have some lava in the living room big deal. At least you'll have a low DBI.
by Pareta May 13, 2017
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