A global phenomenon whereby unseasonably warm weather prevents snow fall in otherwise alpine wonderlands.
We have been so looking forward to our ski holiday in Austria at the end of the year but fear that the Mason Effect will leave us with no snow to ski on.
by Tunnel November 22, 2011
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When a man wears khakis and it makes them look 100 times hotter.
"Damn Patrick looks hot in those khakis"
"yea that's the khaki effect bro"
by Jk1421 September 9, 2016
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When you’ve been awake for so long that at the next sunrise you suddenly feel rejuvenated.
If it were not for the Kryptonian Effect, I never would have made it through exams today.
by Schulist December 15, 2017
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When Kanye West wears or promotes a shoe, all the hypebeasts start to wear said shoes.
Dan: Dude, why the fuck do people buy these $6000 sheep dick-skin shoes?
Pablo: Oh god, Kwong's neediness for shoes has increased because of *dramatic pause* THE KANYE EFFECT.
by Rust is a bad game June 29, 2015
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When someone or something "crashes and burns" immediately after "peaking". This can be used to describe an event of quick reverse of someone's fortune.
"Did you hear that Chad is now mopping floors at K-mart?", Ryan asked.

Kyle looked up at Ryan with a sigh. "Ehh, that's fitting considering his diarrhea accident in the boardroom."
"And to think, when he got that promotion, he was the youngest VP in the history of Google," he added.
"Scaramucci Effect is a bitch!"
by O-Dawg87 August 1, 2017
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When one dislikes something, without reason, simply because others dislike it.
Sam: I can't put my finger on it, but I really don't like Nicolas Cage! He just rubs me the wrong way.
Ben: I don't know, man, it sounds to me like you're suffering from a bad case of The Nickelback Effect.
by Weezy3zy September 29, 2015
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The BBL EFFECT stands for Brazilian Butt Lift effect, because after somebody had something like this done they will definitely act like Kylie Jenner. Usually they have long acrylics, long hair or wigs and lip filler.
-Karla is acting different nowadays.
-Yeah it's the BBL EFFECT
by trying2helpout May 30, 2021
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