An exclamation of excitement, usually spoken by a person from the southern United States.
Yee Haw! I'm goin' to town to pick up my lottery winnings!
by Ken Blair April 8, 2004
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Common phrase used in online gaming to automagically make your character run faster. Most commonly found in FPS games where the character needs time to regenerate health and flees from battle panting ziehaw like a breath while running. Or used as a final ditch attempt while running Into say a firefight.
Gamer- Man i gotta take this spawn point... well here goes nothing (while running full bore into enemy territory) ZIE HAW!!!
by Kloud :p November 12, 2010
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haw zebi is a north African word Wich means look at my dick
usually it's used in a Desagreement situation or when you are not ok with someone
Nouredine : hi Amine do we go to wood pecker to grab some chizzy pizza in hydra ?

Amine : haw zebi !!
by dzsung April 12, 2022
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A nit-picky teacher who, while most students dislike her, actually gives you an amazing education.
a Mrs. Hawe can really help you in later life, but can be a pain to live through currently
A really strict piano teacher who makes you cry, but turns you into a much better player.
"Such a Ms. Hawe!"
by pumpkin spice latte fairytale September 26, 2013
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the sound a bloody donkey makes, *donkey* *points at the guy who spelt it donkie*
I am a donkey.
I go hee-haw.
by Jmac July 3, 2004
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1. What a cowboy or redneck might say; equivalent to the urban "Yeah!" or "Woo!".
2. A stupid redneck.
1. Yee haw! Boy howdy!
2. Look at that yee haw blowing into his jug and dancing like a monkey.
by SC.Zee April 1, 2004
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