When a person loans an item to a friend, then proceeds to ask about the return of the item at every meeting, phone conversation and social gathering; even going to the point of asking 3rd parties about the item.
Person #1 - Hey man do you have my machine that i loaned you? I need to get it back right away.

Person #2 - Dude, you gave it to me yesterday, and you already asked me this 13 times today.

Person #3 - Hey dude, Ryan is looking for you, something about a machine he loaned you.

Person #2 - Geez this guy is fogging me from all angles.

(Phone Rings, Person #1 calling)

Person #2 - Hey Ryan, dont Fog me bro, im dropping the machine off now.
by 2.0 Steve November 10, 2009
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A word used to describe fast jogging ...also known as Fogging or to Fog
Hey tonight do you wanna go fogging with me ?

Its such a nice day , lets go and take a Fog .
by noname100 September 23, 2010
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is derived from the word foggin
this is a sexual or non sexual term that can refer to touching
1. Fog me before I fog you
by xaidsx January 3, 2006
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A vagina that clouds the judgement of others.
That fog cunt has him jumping through flaming hoops.
by themilkofothers January 17, 2015
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A state of mental confusion or forgetfulness that lasts longer than a brain fart or brain freeze. Can last daze (sic) to years.
Grandma seemed to be in a brain fog for a couple days last week.
by yes juanito yes March 6, 2015
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The amount of precipitation that is more than a mist but less than rain.
It wasn't raining when I walked out to my car but by the time I got inside I was covered in fog juice and wet from head to toe
by The B.E.A.S.T. November 19, 2013
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A man/woman with no whip. They rode in on the fog so to speak.
Bro: "Hey gurl, you wanna go out Saturday night?"
Gurl: “You picking me up on your bike? Hell no, I aint going out with no fog jockey!”
by Whistlestick July 8, 2018
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