The kids who bought the gamepass using their mother's credit card and abuses the hell out of it.
Announcement: The person called by (username) will now be known by O5/XX
Random Class-D 1: they probably bought the O5 council gamepass with their mother's credit card
Random Class-D 2: true
The entire Class-D team: time to loop kill this kid using my minigun
by MegaRacer5000 March 18, 2022
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A teen leadership program that involves teens in community service and influences them to explore themselves and become great leaders.
by arielzim January 27, 2009
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One who takes it in the arse, poochute, batty, rectum etc.
lol i've heard that jacob takes it up the council! always knew he was a batty
by BooyakashaUK August 11, 2008
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A council of six officials that help make decisions for the world. They are highly looked up to by {breadist} people
The Bread Council hopes you all die.
by motherhotbread June 15, 2015
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Any non-satelite, non cable TV station that is free-to-air.
"Have you seen the latest episode of the exciting TV serial Lost"
"no, I'll have to wait until it comes on the council telly"
by Sean McB September 29, 2007
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One of the top school districts in Pa, not to mention the richest. Here you'll find a plethora of Mercedes and BMWs parked in the high school parking lot, and, I kid you not, some of them hottest looking kids in Pa, who live in huge houses, score ridiculously high on the SATs, take pricey vacations, don't ever have to get jobs cause their parents pay for everything, and who go on to be the richest and most successful people among their competition. We're naturally smart and undeniably well dressed. If you meet an even slightly stuck up person, you can pretty much better they're from Council Rock. We're sexy, rich, conceited snobs and we're fucking proud of it. We are CR.
by EGS April 1, 2005
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