The phrase a guy should never say to his girlfriend
Girlfriend: (about password) you gotta make sure v it's long enough
Boyfriend: that's what she said!

Girlfriend: *slaps*
by :) cat lady April 16, 2015
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A phrase that turns a lot of things into dick jokes
Man 1: that thing is long
Man 2: That's what she said
by Hamtaro September 20, 2020
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A phrase used to blatantly point out the fact that something someone just said could be taken as a sexual double entendre. Usually found in America and other western countries as an adaptation of "as the actress said to the bishop". Other similar phrases include " Well..." and the aforementioned "as the actress said to the bishop"
Person 1: This sub is so long!
Person 2: That's what she said
by ______-______ February 18, 2015
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sneaking a little funny joke into every conversation
Girl:I'm going to slurp this whole thing right down my throat!
by badasshotchick January 29, 2018
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The most hilarious joke ever, used frequently around the world, can be used to make absolutely ANYTHING sound sexual.
*on the beach with your parents*
Me: That's what she said.
by hugh.kap November 8, 2009
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something you say when someone says something that a woman would say during sex.
it wont work if they are actually talking about sex.
"Just stick it in there, that's what she said"
by kirbythefootballplaya January 7, 2013
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