Often mistaken as “China Math.” Little-known methodologies using 3D abacus and problem-solving strategies or heuristics, and non-Marxist or non-Maoist pedagogies, practiced by local non-drill-and-kill math educators in Taiwan, which are waiting to break free to enlighten the global mathematical community.
The global success of Singapore math has spurred cottage industries in math education like Shanghai Math and Korea Math, which have come and gone quietly. What about Taiwan Math considering that Taiwan is one of the four little dragons besides Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore?
by Fasters August 3, 2022
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A man who supports Taiwan and says its a different person
That was Taiwan man
by Minh Gune fan 99 January 20, 2020
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v. To fail to stop at a red light at night in Taiwan, even though the red light does signify "stop".
"After I went through the red light at night, I got ticketed for a Taiwan stop."
by PRwiz101 April 8, 2009
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When you get a sharp blade and make 4 cuts at the four compass points on someone's ass hole and then stamp on the victim's lower abdomen so that they're forced to shit their ass wide open.
They just gave that dude a Taiwan Smile! He shit his ass hole past his shoulders!

I'll just tuck my tea towel into the holder right here... OMFG, it's not a tea towel holder, it's a Taiwan Smile!

Dude, I didn't know Predator lived in your ass? Hey I'm self conscious about that, I told you I got given a Taiwan Smile by your dad.
by x1stman September 4, 2014
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The condition when an entire side of your thumb is covered in ink from sliding it to smudge your name off an official deportation document.
Man, I was able to avoid being forced to extradite to Kyosha, though now I suffer Taiwan Thumb
by Robert Shame May 8, 2013
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taiwan is a country
is not a country bro
-10000000000000000 social credits
by crischutu07 March 3, 2022
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A sausage prepared taiwanese style. Nothing sexual pervert.
Dude, I was thinking of getting the fried breadsticks, but the taiwan sausage is calling my name right now.
by GuinnessDrinker5 January 13, 2019
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