little demon childs that like to be pigpockets and steal your money when your not looking....
Watch out I see a toad by your butt, trying to take you down to hell.
by Toad....SEE September 19, 2003
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A blond bitch who's being an assinine.


a substitue for calling someone a bitch, whore, slut...etc
Candice is a toad

that girl is such a toad! she had the nerve to pick a fight with me.
by revenge of the bullied February 7, 2011
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Slang. Take Of And Die. Usually found in chat rooms and MUD's.
by Zagger July 12, 2006
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-A girl with an abnormally large forehead
Person #1: "She has a huge ass forehead."

Person #2: "I know, she's a toad."
by updating November 2, 2009
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A spikey haired Misfit, who dances around with his tits out and tries to break dance while intoxicated. Also created magical creature La Fooz De La Kooz De La De Loopdey Goop... see friend Beets
by Dougs. February 15, 2004
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