3 definitions by Dougs.

Exclimation of the level of a particular event or items level of coolness.

Or in the case of such as "whoorin' a fast" it means..... very...
"That ride was whoorin'" - That ride was good

"That ride was Whoorin' a fast" - That ride was very fast.
by Dougs. February 15, 2004
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A spikey haired Misfit, who dances around with his tits out and tries to break dance while intoxicated. Also created magical creature La Fooz De La Kooz De La De Loopdey Goop... see friend Beets
by Dougs. February 15, 2004
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A friend of the person who dances about with his tits out all the time, the tit dancer being Toad
"You are gay Beets"
by Dougs. February 15, 2004
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