An abbreviation used by an extremely toxic and bigoted online group to identify each other.
T - Terrorists
F - Forever
2 - 2-gether (together)
"Hey, anyone know TF2?"
"Man, don't say you're part of that shitshow of a group."
by Ari Tard July 7, 2023
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The meme man spy from tf2 is a skinny poo poo man who says the funny ha ha line spy from tf2

And makes every one laugh
Yo is that :spy from tf2:
(Spy) spy from tf2

(Pyrodog)shut up spy your fat

(Everyone) shut up pyro dog
by Frost rain January 22, 2021
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Oh hey :spy from tf2: what are you doing this fine evening

(Spy) spy from tf2

Pyro dog is gay
by Frost rain January 22, 2021
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