A type of behavior where a group of like-minded morons, typically online, but often at rallys and protests will surge around some other moron who is losing a debate to someone beating them with logic. The group-think tactic which attempts to destroy or discredit someone with a barrage of ignorant, hateful or otherwise absurdly stupid comments. Hate-swarmers will typically re-tweet, or screen shot their best, smug snippets in an attempt to prove to the world how clever and self-agrandizing they are, but it usually backfires and they get hate-swarmed back.
1) I thought my candidate said something good, but I was immediately hate-swarmed by the other candidates loathsome supporters who tried to tear me apart for my beliefs.

2) I ordered a ham sandwich at the deli, and was immediately hate-swarmed by angry vegans, shouting and calling me a murderer.
by whiskeydistiller February 25, 2020
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Indonesian High Octane War Clan est. 2018 in the mobile game Clash of Clans.
Prime Swarm
by Dead Chief July 22, 2018
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Indonesian High Octane War Clan est. 2018 in the game Clash of Clans.
Prime Swarm
by Dead Chief July 22, 2018
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Each Saturday, there's is at least 1 group of people who group up on Saturdays and huddle together in an event known as Warm Swarm Saturday hidden from the view of the public eye. Originally brought up in parks in Staffordshire. The tradition usually lasts for an hour as the group talks about different topics mattering about their own personal lives and struggles though this event can be altered to fit the group's liking. The only downside to this is that all members participating should agree to stay participating throughout the event.
The group had decided to participate in this week's Warm Swarm Saturday. It is estimated that this time, 24 people will be present during Warm Swarm Saturday.
by Pluxizity October 19, 2022
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To bum rush an apparently resentful, angry, or antisocial individual and show them acts of love, kindness and unconditional acceptance like hugs or just simply giving them attention and a recognition of their existence without the expectation of anything in return or reciprocation of any kind.
Friend: My boss is such an asshole! He is always yelling at everyone for no reason.
Me: Sounds like he has some personal issues...maybe he just needs a love swarm.
by brobiwanzenobi April 29, 2019
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1. Going all in.
2. Going somewhere.
3. When the whole gang rolls up.
by emilyhobbs33 June 14, 2017
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The inevitable outcome of when global warming becomes catastrophic, society falls apart and those with sense move to the far northern or southern reaches of the globe, in search of a habitable environment.
Reykjavik never used to be this crowded, that's global swarming for you
by RandyRhoads84 October 15, 2023
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