(noun) quality of mind showing motivation, enthusiasm, determination, boldness, courage and energy
by Spunk Fitness February 22, 2010
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The past tense of the verb "spank" which means to to slap a childs butt in order to punish him or her.
Alex spunk his child. Don't tell the adoption agency.
by webweb November 4, 2009
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When a user of a forum responds to an obscure spam message thinking it is a legitimate message.
Post 1: Can someone give me the ingredients for apple pie?
Post 2 (spam): I don't know her, can you give me more details? -usually with a linked signature
Post 3: Know who? The person that made the apple pie?

The author of Post 3 got Spunked
by Fat Atheist November 9, 2009
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a group of 3 girls with an amazing friendship and senses of humours.

All known to love to party and like to have fun and wear nice clothes but often lend off one another.

These girls will stick together even though they are sometimes/almost always late to meet up.
example 1:that spunk was so much fun to hang out with on friday
by ilikeblankets1234 September 21, 2010
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The feeling of being drunk due to a lack of sleep. People therefore assume your drunk, but really your just sleep deprived.
Bob: "Dude, how much did your sister have to drink tonight?"
Bill: "Naw man, she's just spunk."
by KrazyKaro August 20, 2011
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A fat half Chinese, half Mexican man or woman. (Spic-Chunk-Chank)
That Spunk is eating nachos with chop sticks.
While over Osvaldo Ding's house, I noticed that that Spunk had cats in his freezer and was making cheese in his toilet.
by Mo' Benjamin February 1, 2008
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