Advanced version of donkey punch. You fuck at the top of or on stairs. Donkey punch her while inside her and ride her down the stairs like a sled.

Maneuver is traditionally performed on stairs but can be done anywhere there is a decline.

Can be preformed with any partner male or female as long as proper donkey punch technique is used and are able to ride the person down the decline.
My girl is so mad about the other night. We were fucking on the stairs and while I was fucking her I donkey punched her and rode her down like a Donkey Sled.
by Ckluc83 October 9, 2019
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Someone with the heart of 10 mother fuckers. Someone that wants to win at all costs and is willing to carry the weight of his team on his shoulders to do so. A sled dog is a selfless warrior.
Hussey is a legitimate sled dog, you shoulda saw him bongin beers for everyone and beating everyones ass in boozeball. If i dont get hussey on my team ill be pissed off.
by boozehound number 1 July 20, 2008
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A home-made go-kart, boat, or other motorized/wheeled vehicle that exhibits a general lack of quality in it's construction; i.e. poor welds, aesthetics, structure, and general design.
Although the cliff edge was approaching at an alarming rate, Uncle Terry had enough time to finish his moonshine and ponder the logic behind not putting brakes on his shithead sled.
by Coon catcher January 17, 2008
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A woman whom two men can easily use as a target to both have sex with, thus making them Eskimo Brothers.
Frank: "That chick is such a dog sled."

George: "Why a dog sled?"

Frank: "It's where Eskimo Brothers meet!"
by g_rizzled December 11, 2011
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An economical, practical, and utilitarian four-door vehicle. Engineered with the premier priority of efficient transportation without any regard to driver enjoyment.

Large, expensive luxury vehicles can also be considered vanilla sleds, if the vehicle has no disposition towards sport or boisterisness.
toyota corolla
mercury mystique
Non-amg mercedes-Benz s-class vehicles

That new bmw is a Vanilla Sled
by W.Anton Sanks January 31, 2008
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The cosby sled is less of a sexual adventure, and more of a beautiful piece of artwork. To initiate the process you must very discreetly drop a roofie in a girls drink, wait until she passes out, then bring her back to your house. Next comes the best part; you insert your penis into the girl, then full on ride her unconscious body, sled-style down a flight of stairs. The execution may be a bit difficult, so you may want to get a few friends to judge on your dismount/form etc.
(at a party)
guy 1: Bro that girl over there just passed out and someone took her home.
guy 2: If i were him i totally cosby sled that dumb bitch.
by a16 April 21, 2016
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To please a woman with your hand, mainly by inserting it somehow into the vagina itself.
by shane November 14, 2003
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