one of the best guitarists ever!and hes frickin hot!
by * September 12, 2004
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Boy Sex, usually written in the point of view of a particular band or it's members as fan fiction, and posted online somewhere like livejournal. Usually, male/male, but in some cases female/female.
Summary: AU - Matt is a famous rock star in his early twenties. David is one of his biggest fans. Crude, somewhat humorous, and full of hot sex. Matt Lovato/David Desrosiers Slash
by _____Jessica______ December 22, 2005
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a slang word which means to piss
im off for a quick slash in those bushs over there
by lee cryton2 February 4, 2005
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possibly the best guitarist in the world...
5 reasons why:
1)Les Pauls (the best guitar ever)
2 was)in 1 of the best bands of all time (Guns N' Roses)
3)Has wicked wacky hair
4) smokes marijuana
5)still in a decent band and a quality guitarist
"hey look there's slash, he rocks"
"yeh he use to be in guns n roses"
"he's fuckin awesome"
"yeh, lets get his autograph"
by GunsNRosesRock January 26, 2005
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Can be a noun or verb.

When you wear a bathing suit, and your pubes are so long that they stick out the side of your suit onto your thighs. It looks like Slash's (guitar player) hair is crawling out of your suit.
So I look over and see Kath standing on the beach with slash between her legs!

Oh shit i forgot to shave, i'm slashin' it.
by the 1/4th slut July 11, 2004
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A line drawn between two words by people who are too ignorant to know the real punctuation mark or work that should go there, and are too lazy to look it up.

A sure sign of a faux writer.
Any bozo who puts a slash between two words should have his word processor taken away until he learns how to write.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 20, 2005
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-Back in a sec, i need to go take a massive slash.
by Anthony Kitching October 11, 2004
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