No sweat/no problem. Something done easily.

Originated from the popular pen and paper RPG Shadowrun.
"Hey, thanks for helping me out back there."
"Null sheen, man."
by JEddy January 12, 2008
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Sweat incurred around the face from excessive intoxication from drug and/or alcohol consumption. Usually occurs around the forehead and upper lip areas and should not be confused with sweating from prolonged exercise.

Named after the man the legend, Charlie Sheen.
Friend 1: That girl by the pool table had smoked way too much man.

Friend 2: Yeah, she had a proper Sheen Shine going on.
by jman100 & mjmb August 30, 2011
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The ability to drink and do drugs while looking like a winner.

Taking the stigma out of using methamphetamine and crack.

Getting respect while being publicly intoxicated.

Putting the fun back into disfunction.
"How was the party last night? Did you have a good time?"
"I had a great time...I was fully Charlie Sheening it!"
by notoriousP November 20, 2013
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A phrase originally coined in Lake Tahoe on the West Shore (Best Shore) by Marie Ralston. A play on words, a twist on "Charlie Sheen" meaning crazy, insane, unbelievable etc.
It's a Gnarly Sheen blizzard outside.

I took a crazy fall on the mountain today. It was Gnarly Sheen
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Current Celebrity Cocktail, yes we'll call it a cocktail. Invented by a couple of bored drunks on an all day binge in Bangor Co.Down. There was many drafts but this is the one more suitable for human consumption. Made with one shot of Jagermiester, one shot of Goldshlagger, one shot of Dark Rum and a full shot of espresso, add one brown sugar or slice of lime (depending on taste) and down it in one, whilst its still warm (red bull can also be added for the hardcore, but it smells a little like vomit then).
After 4 or 5 of these badboys in a row, you start talking gibberish and screaming about trolls. Loss of clothing is not uncommon. For best results continue normal drinking before and after "Sheening" it. Guaranteed to fuck you up at the time and the next day with a vengance!
*Warning, it does as it says on the tin. You will suffer a complete mental and financial breakdown after.*
I just ran too the shop and couldnt stop, ran through 4 shelves and killed a man, mustve been those Sheen Machines
by Valhalla Awaits April 7, 2011
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A drug that can only be consumed by Charlie Sheen himself. It is unavailable because of the damage it will do to you. It has face melting power and can cause death.
"I am on a drug, it's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body" -Charlie Sheen
by sportsfan101990 March 1, 2011
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To do massive amounts of coke
I snarled so much blow last night they call me snarly sheen
by Snarly bah June 8, 2011
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