When you make out with a guy with facial hair and the scruff rubs against your skin. The burn!
He gave me a 3rd degree scruff last night.
by hehehoho24 October 4, 2021
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A special move performed when going down on a girl that uses friction and the roughness of your facial "scruff" to get her off
Gave my girl the ol' Scruff scooter and she was howling for more!
by Hovym December 31, 2016
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The most baller dog of the century
Hey have you heard of scruff?
Yeah, I heard he is the most baller dog of the century!
by CAPTAIN_DERP February 1, 2018
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Mum: Scruff I fucking told you to get your penis out of the chocolate spread, you silly scruff.
by scruffyy July 30, 2021
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Brad Harrison clean your room you scruff, it’s a pig sty I can tell your from Rochdale!
by Pinguyanowhatitis14736 April 1, 2022
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Most of the population in Burnley
"Look at the scruffy inbred bastard"
"Must be from Burnley"
by Burnleyvigilante May 21, 2023
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