When you use a move in SSBB and it kills all three opponents. Maybe a strong move or not so strong. Can only be one move and used only once, and must kill all three at the same time. They cannot touch the stage again before they die or it doesn't count. Certain items can be used to kill all three while not considered a PC. A smash ball does not count, but a Home-Run Bat does. This is because it is somewhat difficult to actually hit someone with a bat, let alone all three.
Guy1- dude you just killed all three of the guys!!
Guy2- I know!! Publisher's Clearinghouse!
by MaximumOverdrive October 9, 2008
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a small group of people willing to review the words that go into the urban dictionary website. spend alot of time studying these words and should be paid
gold ftw: omg not another duck swaddle

DarkPeaceLove: hm, another named person, denied

Spaceman_Spiff: hibber jibber you word of satan!

iLoveSchweed: goddamn monkeys

ChemicalGoat: we're urban dictionary publishers we should be getting paid!
by Spaceman_Spiff May 15, 2009
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Douchebags that reject every definition I write but will probably publish this one because they're dumb fags and publish gay definitions.
by richyoungprodigy July 16, 2017
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Negre Marron Publishing ("NMP" for short) is an Independent Haitian -American Music Publishing Company and a division of Negre Marron Records -Founded in NYC by Negre Marron Records CEO and Label director René Guemps.

NMP’s main activities:

- Administers Publishing rights & Copyrights of Haitian musicians in the USA, Canada, Europe, Haiti and abroad.

- NMP monitors when, where and what works are used;

- Negotiates tariffs and other conditions with users;

- Licenses the use of protected works on behalf of its members and of other rights holders it represents; and

- Collects the fees from users and distributes these to the rights holders for their Public/ Digital / mechanical performance, broadcast of Terrestrial, Commercial or Community Radio, Low-power broadcasting or Microbroadcasting, (SubCarriers), Tv stations and or similar platforms that streams Haitian (also known by the French as Compas and or simply Konpa (Haitian Créole) Music over both AM/FM bands and pay it to Haitian Kompa Songwriters, Authors, Lyricists, Composers, Performers, Producers, Publlishers, and other right holders.
I know The folks at Negre Marron Publishing, are going to be so happy once the AM/FM Act is passed into law.
by Negre Marron Records February 11, 2020
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you see? you see the dumb crap the urban dictionary editors will actually publish instead of real definitions?
don't do it. don't publish this definition. it's fucking useless. fuck you.

urban dictionary editor: Let's see here, we have a real and possibley helpful definition and one talking about some guy's random ass friend named James. Hmm which one should we allow on the urban dictionary. Hmm i'm gonna say the useless one about some guys random ass friend. Fuck the real and useful definitions right guys!

a bunch of dumb fuck urban dictionary editors: YEAH!
by BenderIsGreat3000 August 28, 2018
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Emily “Dude Urban Dictionary won’t publish any of my definitions!”
by jacobsaggypatties October 10, 2019
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Ceraphin Publishing Group, Inc is known as a publishing company and mass media brand that was launched and owned by Ceraphin Corporation in 2016.
Did you know that Ceraphin Publishing Group, Inc owns multiple magazines, networks, and other businesses?
by Mikee Brown August 30, 2018
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