Primates In TrackSuits, inhabitants of ASDA, Netto and McDonalds.
Netto is full of PITS.
by Grimble February 22, 2008
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plurar for pit: stuck (in a pit) you frequently get pitted while snowboarding in powder
I got "pitted" in the meadow!
by hans mon October 15, 2009
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Shortened form of moshpit
The pit was insane - I was in there for 7 hours!
by The Saviour June 2, 2007
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The dent a fat man/woman makes underneath their feet when he/she jumps on a trampoline.
I was having fun at the trampoline park until I fell into The Pit.
by EnderFlop November 15, 2014
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Action Verb: Meaning to piss and shit at the same time.

Alternatively, "Shissing".
A: :Yo, playa, whats taking you so long?:

B: Dooood...Im pitting up in this joint..musta had too many corndogs and 40's last night,

A: Damn Simpson, thats some ruthless stuff your letting loose.
by Slackjawed Revolutionary March 25, 2009
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An expletive to replace fuck, shit, stinks, or sucks. Stands for Penis Is Too Small.
After whipping out his whopping mini-weiner, Fundo's girlfriend exclaimed, "That pits!!!"
by authOOr July 11, 2006
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