When you cum on a girls face and pour pepper on her to add some flavor.
Peppering a girl can be in pour taste
by CF28 April 6, 2011
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A preciseley descriptive word used to describe someone who has a sudden creative but rather quirky streak or stream of thoughts come upon them out of the blue.

Can also be used as a noun to describe somone who is constantly and/or naturally "quirky" but always creative in an extremely talented and perhaps even genius and unique fashion.
"Dang that was a good idea dude! You are so peppers today!"
"Hey Peppers what have you invented lately?"
by K.K. Griffith August 30, 2006
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a cool kid at school, boys normal ass's and girls normally really hot and spicy
"you see that hot flaming girl over thier,"
"you mean the pepper"
by hott me boy June 6, 2007
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feelings of attraction, and/or reference to people/your own self being spicy hot
"Abel makes me feel that pepper!" "This guy is peppery asf!" "I'm feeling like pepper today."
by hotguysgang February 21, 2016
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When you get something that feels like it's stinging, burning, or itching your sphincter, that's a pepper. It could be from a leaky ass, a fart, or even after taking a poop. Sometimes orange grease (see orange grease) can be associated with this. It kind of feels like you have a pepper corn stuck in your sphincter.
Oh man I had spicy chili for lunch and now I have a pepper biting my ass.
by truth guru June 12, 2010
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a guy with a very big penis
Yo my boyfriend is a pepper, he is 9in.
by girl February 27, 2005
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Typically used when referring to a Latino's uncut cock. A fine example of the aforementioned is most commonly found on lean to muscular latino boys. The term can also apply to the circumsized cock.
That hottie George at American Eagle has a phat-ass bulge. He was packing pepper!
by Hollaboy November 16, 2005
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