When a plumber acts though as if he has been through war. This state of misery also commonly mistaken for an illness is frequently experienced by those individuals also suffering from bi-polar syndrome, erectile distinction , and in more serious cases , constipation.
What’s wrong with that guy? He acts like he has ptsd. Like for frig sakes buddy your a plumber, grow up ya grump cuck. I think you might have plumbers ptsd!
by Turd Hearder October 23, 2019
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Millennial-post-traumatic stress disorder (MPTSD) is a fake mental health condition that's triggered by an insignificant event perceived by millennials to be a terrifying event. Symptoms may include crying, whining and entitlement, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.
Jane experienced millennial PTSD after the 2016 elections.
by Anon63457 March 21, 2020
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Marching Band PTSD is when you have gained PTSD from Marching Band. It’s could be from messing up or dropping during a performance, or it can be a little thing like showing up late for practice. There is always a consequence for everything.
Me: I had a nightmare. I think it’s from my Marching Band PTSD.
Friend: What Happened?
Me: I was doing drill and I forgot my music.
by TacoBellShit October 21, 2019
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A psychological effect from playing too much Call of Duty or other similar FPS games. Usually includes dreams of being fragged, shot at, or randomly waking up screaming in the middle of the night.
John: Hey Tom you look tired today!

Tom: Yea I have Call of duty PTSD. I got fragged again last night in my dreams

John: Thats a shitter, Tom, a real shitter
by helios655 April 23, 2010
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I swear you'll never see anything like this
Remember when Man City.... oh no not QPR PTSD
by B.E reading are trash November 9, 2020
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The disorder all marching band members have after band camp. Side effects are nightmares in which you are running a drill and the director leaves you at horns up for hours on end, sleep marching, and multiple Vietnam-like flashbacks.
The marcher was afraid to sleep because of her marching band ptsd.
by YEETHAN July 25, 2017
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A behavioral trait one may exhibit after a past of enduring one or more of the negative stigmas associated with the adult entertainment industry, then reclaiming ownership of their body when they leave it. It is characterized by them feeling a high possibility of exhibiting, or actually exhibiting extreme verbally and/or physically violent reactions to unwanted touch.
The guy's hand grazing her butt caused such a flashback to her time in the porn industry that her porn-induced PTSD made her immediately break a bottle and put it to his throat.
by LeNair Xavier April 21, 2019
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