in runescape, a shity online game, its when you have a strong account, and then alot of weaker acounts. the strong account is your main, meaning main account.
nooblet #1: dude your only level 6 i can own you
nooblet# 2: nuh uh i have a lvl 70 main i could kick your ass
by nick the prick July 19, 2006
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a word adressing your homies, dawg, niggas, boyz, ect.
Maine, i be so fucked up right now.
by job123 May 14, 2011
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A state with a small inhabitants that people like to call "Maniacs" with just over a million people that is largely popular when it comes to rural types of areas. The northern half is mostly forest (90% of the state) and is full of hillbillies and rednecks. I live here, but people are quite generous and friendly up here. Unfortunately if your black, gay, Asian, a Jew, Mexican, or anything thats not under the category of white Christians, you probably wont be accepted here (sorry!). You can pull off pretty much anything up here because nobody cares, and it is a very enjoyable state to live in due to the lack of law enforcement and the over-inhabitants of white people.
"I had a pretty kick-ass time in Maine the other day lynching some niggers and partying hard."
by Nacho888 October 22, 2009
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A subtitution for man. Derieved from spanish peakers who speak english with a spanish accent. Like in SCARFACE.
"Say 'ello to my Lee-til fren' MAIN"
-Scarface(didn't actaully say main but i had ta incorperate scarface somehow)
by DFOES November 24, 2003
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Person 1: I'm from Maine
Person 2: you mean Canada
by moose, or bear September 11, 2005
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1. Expensive
2. High taxes
3. Cold
4. Almost everyone is white
5. Boring.
6. good beaches if the water isnt ice.
7. Homeland of the word "wicked"
8. a state where there is desert, forest, and ocean
9. Not too many people have a bostonian accent
10. York is one of the biggest tourist traps
11. Home to Emo's, fags, snobs, gamers, stoners, and Stephen King
Person 1: Why do you live in Maine?
Person 2: Yes! That was wicked awesome!
by krimsonkandy June 7, 2007
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