When you are in a Mosh and you can't find your friend
ME: He has black hair and is wearing black
MELLA: That's like everyone here,kimmy
ME: *Slaps Mella*
by kimmy booth June 1, 2005
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Used when someone asks a question and they already know what the awnser will be. Mostly asked by people how ask questions just to hear their on voice.
Enrique: So are we getting drunk tonight
Carmen: Its obviously obvious, silly.
by Bozak September 6, 2007
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(noun): One who states the obvious as if he/she did not know this before; One who is trying to keep a secret and gives too many hints as to what it is; (antonym: see obviousman
"Eew, that guy is picking his nose!"
"Well, thaaaaank you, captain obvious!" | "We are standing in 3 ft. of blood."
"Captain obvious strikes again"
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(Даже ежу понятно in Russian): something so obvious a hedgehog can literally understand what needs to be done.
Isn't it blatantly obvious that the Biden Administration is doing incompetent damage control when it comes to Jen Psaki's backpedalling?
by Sexydimma March 29, 2021
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1.Nowadays also known as Rebecca Black. A person too dumb to know that obvious facts don't need explainations. 2.May also be known as "Chorba" in some places.
Ex1: Rebecca Black: "It's friday, yesterday was thursday, tomorrow is saturday"..... etc

Some ten year old: "Thank you Captain Obvious..."

Ex2: Teacher: "Les feuilles absorbent la lumiere..."

by lars23x April 8, 2011
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A very lazy super hero that never is out there saving people.
Jake:I fail at life.
Ian: ZOMG, what are you doing HERE Captain Obvious, THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!!!!!!
by D. Emson April 15, 2008
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