When you give it to a girl from behind after she’s eaten a healthy portion of corn you remove your penis from her ass with a kernel on the tip. This would be the corn on the noggin…once it’s there you stick it in her mouth so she can eat the corn again…corn on the cock.
After Tracy got done the cream corned eating contest I banged her up the ass and gave her the corn on the noggin.
by Mr Matty G September 30, 2006
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Huey ate shit on that rail a few minutes ago, and just popped five Tylenol. He must have a pretty groggin' noggin.
by TangClock February 26, 2009
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a better word for a helmet.
i went skydiving and they made me wear a noggin blocker
by big wang March 30, 2007
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Noun. Anything that is confusing or difficult to understand, or seems to completely lack a logical explanation; anything that "boggles the noggin".
If a woman says she is wrong, is she still wrong?
Hmm.. that's a noggin boggler.
by Orgenrellik March 29, 2011
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A alternate term used to describe an extreme pot head, or person who habitually smokes marijuana through out the day with little regard to responsibilities and relationships.
"You smoked all that pot!? You doobie noggin"

" Come on you Doobie Noggin'! We're going to be late to the movies."

"Did you eat all of the food in the fridge? Dude, you're such a doobie noggin.
by CountryFried August 22, 2009
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Instead of thinking with his head, he's thinking with his sausage noggin.
by Dee-Rock June 22, 2012
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When one is overdramatically hit in the head. Used when the incident sparks humor.
Guy 1: Jeff hit him so hard he fell out of his shoes!
Guy 2: Yeah he got fucking noggin slapped!
by NollyPolly March 15, 2021
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