A Porn Nam is to porn as Nam is to veterans of the war of the same name. It's a horrific event that ruins not only your boner at the time, but quite possibly your porn viewing indefinetly.
Josh had a porn nam when he saw his Dad's porn folder full of trannies.

My porn Nam was seeing a MMF threesome where the guys were as interested in each other as they were the chick.
by Penguin Incarnate June 29, 2005
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When someone doesn't want to talk about something because of past experiences .
Caleb: Hey, did you know Jakes sister does heroin?

Faustas: Shut up man, I can't deal with this shit.

Caleb: Someones having flashbacks to 'nam
by scribble73 November 12, 2016
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During the Semi-Final episode of The Ultimate Fighter 12 Nam Phan's roommates busted into his bathroom while he was taking a shower and caught him masterbating.
I had some time to kill before work, so while I was taking a shower I decided to Nam Phan.
by BarGuy-irc December 6, 2010
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A different way to say "so be it". Add the 'nam (pronounced 'nawm'), so it sounds like "so vietnam"
I have failed you in this class.

So be it 'nam.
by El_Scorcho September 5, 2003
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You 'aint getting a nam nother cent from me until you pay me back that loan.

Not a nam nother person better step on my grass.
by Kelshall March 17, 2008
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A Korean neologism meaning a boy who is not attractive physically but girls like him for some other reason.
"Gyeon-woo makes me feel warm in my heart! He is such a hun nam!"
by Dan Dinkelman April 18, 2007
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