oh yeah that millie she sucked dans cock but shes a ugly moo moo
by moomoocowcoww February 21, 2016
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The most beautiful girl in the world but she can be a bitch sometimes and hurt others but sometimes she doesn’t mean it she loves everyone with all her heart but she also tells her best friends secrets to everyone she never says sorry and sticks to what she wants she acts all innocent but really she can be a little witch but still pretty tho and she steals everyone’s else’s best friends so people like me are left to sit alone at lunch still pretty
Yeah Millie took my best friend it’s fine tho cause she is pretty
by definition club February 14, 2019
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Millie A girl that is flat with a lot of flabber
Also a cheeky ginger
That Millie girl is flat with a little bit of flabber
by Douknowtheaway January 16, 2018
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Liberal millennial snowflake who believes socialism is better than capitalism. Who does not accept American history.
You think a Christmas song is about date rape, you are such a Millie.
by clistoc December 11, 2019
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Mille is a girl or a boy that likes cock or vagina. They tend to be ginger and are skinny queens. They love LGBT and might even think they are. But there not. Hi Millie who is reading this
by MouldyMashPrince October 18, 2018
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Sly and underneath and not the type of person you want to be around, however can keep a secret.

Unhygienic and smells of wet dog, sleeps with many people but is known to be good in bed. All she tends to do is stand there and give people evil because she thinks she is better then everyone else.
A mollie tends to look orange eveyte she tried to apply make up and fake tan and does not know how to blend Contor.
Did you see the way that girl looked at me? She must be a Millie.
by Shonawoods123 October 29, 2017
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