another part of americas great military. The mens department of the navy. Responisible for giving americans the right to free speech and freedom.
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem.
- Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985
by jlkgfowdil March 1, 2007
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A Person trained for 13 weeks to be better than anyone believed they could. A Person with the Courage, Honor, and Commitment of 10 people. A Person who is Always Faithful to thier country. A person trained with the jobs of 4 average soilders. A Person willing to give thier life for liberty. A Person who can salute the American flag after haveing both legs blown off for it. But most important a person able to kill anyone and anything who stands against them. A Person who no longer can be called a person but rather a Leather-Neck, a TWC (Terrorist Welcomeing Commitee), or Devil-Dog.
Army:"One Marine just took out 27 insurgents by himself after loseing both legs and 3 fingers!"
Navy:"Your pretty cute for someone who spends so much time on land ;)"
AirForce:"Anybody wanna ride outta here?"
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A branch of the US Armed Forces. Marines go through approximately three months of intense training, peaking at the Crucible, in which the recruits must work together as a team throughout a fifty-four hour operation with minimal rest. The Crucible tests all of the knowledge gained throughout training, and is truly the final test for a recruit. Marines are trained to work in smaller groups with less modern weaponry, however this requires them to be more tactical than the Army. Contrary to popular belief, Marines and the Army are just as important as each other, as are the Air Force and Navy. Whichever a person joins depends on their preference.
The Marines are the first into a battle ground, the Army joins to help the advance, greatly. The Navy secures the shores and fires artillery salvos, and the Air Force provides much needed fire support on high-risk operations. Combined, the force of the US Military surpasses most foes it will encounter. (Exceptions include the Vietcong and Russians, as the Russians never truly engaged US Forces, and the US removed itself from Vietnam.

Please people, stop making biased decisions. The US is awesome, as is everybody else.
by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN July 28, 2009
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Those sexy mother fuckers who kick ass for our country. I love you guys!!!
All you need to know is Skelton and Sepulvado BABY!!
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the mens department of the navy
marines are a department of the navy. yes the mens dept
by jsteele90 December 7, 2008
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People that truly make a difference in the world.
Some people spend their entire lives wondering if they've made a difference. Marines don't have that problem.
by SmprFi September 12, 2007
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