The nonsensical reasoning of someone who appears to be in La La Land.
Did you hear what Susie said during the meeting? She thinks taking away the coffee in the break room will increase productivity. That is some La La Logic…
by Deirdre (DeDe) Daniels October 17, 2010
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Like many other phrases that really have no meaning, la~ can be used in a variety of ways. The most common of these would be lighten a phrase that may otherwise be taken as mocking or cruel. It can also be used by itself to express indifference.
"wtf no0b? i pwned u la~"
"haha, fuk you too"

"dude, you should start your homework soon."
by Mikey Mike September 12, 2003
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He finish las in da drop race.
by Allahatopia November 24, 2018
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Different than Malaysian/Singaporean's "lah".
It's a Bhutanese language and are used after sentences to show respect, especially to someone elder/higher to us.
Dad: "Do you have any GFs?"
Son: "No, la"
Dad: "Khai"
by ugh.syt June 27, 2017
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"La la" music is the traditional music of the black Creoles from southwest Louisiana. The modern version of "la la" music is called "zydeco".
Older people love to dance to traditional la la music, and younger people in the Zydeco Nation prefer Zydeco music.

Amede' Ardoin was the first creole musician to record traditional "la la" music, whereas Clifton Chenier is considered the "King of Zydeco music."
by zydecoguru March 29, 2009
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The edible secretions gathered from a fat person's multiple chins (often involving oil, sweat, etc...).
Hey bro, dinner at Frank Dining Hall sucked so much tonight I would have rather eaten Gla-La-La!

Person 1: May I have some of your Gla-La-La?
Fat Man: Of course, I have plenty today as it is so hot outside!

Bro 1: Dude, look at that glutton's gla-la-la. He could feed a third world country.
Bro 2: Ya that's gross.

by Bubba Jenkins May 11, 2008
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Regional colloquialism for the Laurelton section of Queens, NYC.
"I'm from LA, 137th Ave".
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