A sex move performed on the penis usually during bdsm play.

The icicle is performed in this manner:

(where) a specially molded cylindrical rod of Ice (often 1/4" diameter) is either slowly or forcefully pressed fully into the peehole (with or without lube). It goes up the urethra Past the prostate and into the urinary bladder. At this point the corpus/shaft is gripped tightly, a thumb or cage is placed over the tip so the rod of Ice cannot be pushed out. The fully erect penis is either gripped tightly or bent and twisted until the rod of Ice snaps and shatters inside the penis. The cage or thumb is kept covering the peehole so that the only way the Ice may be removed is through melting.

Usual application method: a male Is strapped to a table at the hands and legs in a spread eagle formation. Their master/mistress then teases them sexually and usual BDSM foreplay ensues. Upon the moment either during after or just before climax then the penis is at its most sensitive the rod is forced in then snapped.
The combination of cold and sharp sensations inside of a highly sensitive penis causes The individual strapped to the table to experience state of extreme overstimulation, often signaled to the brain as pain. The individual strapped to the table is at the total mercy of their partner for release from this hell-like state of overestimulated sexual pleasure.

violent sensation of euphoria among regular users.

In summary: an icicle snapped while inside ur peepee when u cum
"That lady at the club did the Icicle on me last night, it still hurts to walk" - "dude you're crazy"

"Babe I think I'm ready for the icicle tonight"
by Bobbybobbyloo October 18, 2023
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Dip your penis in liquid nitrogen and put it in a girls mouth
(Penis falls off after)
Person A-hey honey, want to get icicled for the first and only time

Person B-dad I’m only 7
by Mark the best December 14, 2020
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What happens to a penis when its rock hard, yet unbelievably cold, as in frozen.
Mark had an icicle crick rolling, and I told him, "better get that looked at."
by nofaceoz October 13, 2021
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The use of a frozen banana to pleasure oneself.
Guy #1: Hey did you hear Thomas is totally gay?
Guy #2: Yeah, he even tried the tropical icicle!
by Mike Honcho 47 June 15, 2017
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The term used between girls when describing their boyfriends going down on them if their hands weren't *ahem properly warmed up.
"Debra, Dave and I had such a wonderful time last night"
"I heard"
"What about your night, I mean we're both on our second honeymoon."
"I started down on him and then he wanted to flip it around so I got on my back and the A/C was on and well, he froze me down there."
"Oh no"

"Oh yes, he had Icicle Fingers"
by staciaw February 4, 2016
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When your boner gets so cold it grows an icicle of cum out of your penis hole
Bro my boner is so cold, I'm growing a boner icicle!
by Cole watchyostep December 7, 2015
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when a man with a moustache goes down on a chick and when he comes back up he has cum in his moustache.
girl1- sean went down on me last ight and i jizzed n when he came back up he had my jizz in his stache but i didnt wanna say anything
girl2- ahhh, thts nasty, i went on urban dictionary the other day and im pretty sure thts called a sizzled icicle and i bet he felt like a retard when he seen it in the mirror
by C.G/diesel December 11, 2010
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