ONLY THE SEXIEST GIRL ALIVE, a VJ on MTV and star on one tree hill with that babe Chad Michael Murray.
Boy 1: Damn, that girl is fine.
by Anonymousyo January 15, 2006
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Former teeny bopper, most comparable to Miley Cyrus. To understand Hilary Duff all you need to know is that, let's say, five years ago (2005-ish) she was effectively blonde Miley Cyrus. She sang, she acted - even juggled on request. She was a clean-cut Disney kid, with masses of family appeal. The way, Miley Cyrus broke onto our screens in 'Hannah Montana', Hilary Duff did so on 'Lizzie McGuire'. And you guessed it, she went onto pursue other projects - including countless high profile films, TV shows and albums. Boy, those were the days! Today however, that's all in the past. Over the late noughties she slid from much loved pop icon to washed up former child star (a little like Haley Joel Osment and Amanda Bynes). Now she spends her days...
Actually, come to think of it, I have no idea how she fills her time. She's reached such a sorry washed up state, that who knows? I'm sure she spends her days shopping and grabbing coffee (trying to convince everyone she's still 'it'). And that, my friends, is Hilary Duff in a nutshell. All we'll see of her now is the odd cameo TV appearance. Other than that, it'll seem like she's vanished off the face of the Earth! Never mind, Duff. It was good while it lasted!
Former Hilary Duff fan watching 'Hannah Montana': "This Miley Cyrus reminds me of somebody. But I just can't think, for the life of me, who!"
by ChooseRedBull May 19, 2010
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A talent lacking blonde that can't sing for shit and can't act. Should have stayed on Lizzie McGuire where she actually had "fans."
Hilary: I'm like the new Teen Queen!
Me: Shut up and die.
by Fork You December 9, 2004
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A big poser who thinks she's cool but really she's just a talentness singer and actress
by Bary July 21, 2004
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1.)a fat, talentless, slutty, blonde bitch; who is a "singer"/"actress". she sucks ass. her movies suck, her "music" sucks. when she sings, she sounds like an old lady. lol! wears tons of glittery makeup. and shes a big poser. one day shes all preppy, the next she thinks shes punk. she starts fights w/ avril lavigne and lindsey lohan. what a bitch. oh, and incase you didn't already know; joel and her never dated. they were just friends.

see: whore slut bitch poser teenie bopper prep

2.)an insult.
1.)person1:"did you see that new hilary duff movie?"

person2:"no; but i'm sure it sucks."

2.)person1:"hey, like, i'm like, so cool."

person2:"shut up you hilary duff!"
by Heather April 21, 2005
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Followed by an army of 10-year-olds who wear sparkly nailpolish and blue eyeshadow.
10-year-olds who wear sparkly nailpolish and blue eyeshadow: Hilary Duff, you rock!!!!!

Me: You suck!
by Bayou Bob February 13, 2005
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Blond bitch with NO TALENT WHATSOEVER. Very, very overrated. Doesn't even write her own friggin' songs. Can't sing. Sounds like a nasal Lindsay Lohan. Can't act either. (does lots of sighing). Somewhat chubby. Big slut. (she stole Joel) Fug as hell. Resembles a blond toad. Song lyrics are very cheap and shallow. (eg. 'my blond hair is everywhere!')
Fan base consists of arsey under-thirteen girls.
by Sarah February 21, 2005
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