A kid in the Pittsburg Marching Show band who is known as Grimace, he plays trumpet and tries to play the drums. He also looks like the grinch.
by GROD94 January 17, 2009
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The grimace shake origins from the story/quiz that goes like:

"You pass by a fast food chain and you notice 3 females singing happy birthday to a girl named Grimace, when you pass by they invite you to participate to the birthday. What do you do?"

A) Drink grimace's special MilkShake.
B) Congratulate grimace on her birthday then move along.
C) Do nothing.

The grimace shake meme has spreaded all over the internet with quotes like: "would you drink the grimace shake!??!" and "what would you do if someone offers you the grimace shake?!".
person 1: ay bro did you drink the grimace shake? (haha)
person 2: blud get off that tiktok tf you doin with yo life
by Luminel. July 4, 2023
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An older, heavy set black man with a penchant for purple suits.
"Chris is printing ten copies of War and Peace again."


"You know, Fancy Grimace."
by Amanda Loschke August 13, 2014
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When a man or woman stuffs a hamburger or cheeseburger into a womans vagina for sexual pleasure.
Joe was grimacing Vivian”s box and then ate the burger.
by bkking33 January 13, 2019
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1. An ugly, twisted expression on one's face typically expressing disgust, pain or amusement while playing an instrument or vocalizing
2. One of the requirements for recruitment into a heavy metal rock band
"Tomorrow: Open audition for high-profit heavy metal rock band. Need to know three chords and be able to grimace musically"

"...and what the dickens is "grimace musically"?"
by Neenerdee October 15, 2013
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A fool who has lost complete control of the situation, and is well aware that his Goose has been cooked - yet is powerless to change the enevitable.
He drank 4 Pints and 7 Jaeger Bombs last night, and now he's in work, that boy is a proper Grimacing Grint.
by Andross 1978 December 22, 2008
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